Possidio Advogados

“Success for us is to return something to the society in which we are invested."

Social Responsability

Social responsibility is in the DNA of the firm and our team.

We encourage our employees to participate in volunteer community services. We believe community engagement helps us understand life in a more inclusive way.

Some social actions and organizations supported by our team:

Associação Beneficente São Francisco de Assis

Saint Francis of Assisi Benevolent Association is a non-profit institution that develops social assistance activities focused on Food, Health and Education projects, serving people in vulnerable situations to reduce social inequalities.


ACAPE – Association of Collaborators and Friends of Special Patients is a non-profit institution that welcomes and assists people with highly complex disabilities.

Grupo Anjo Azul

Anjo Azul Group - Cândida Bermejo Camargo Support Center is a non-profit institution that provides support to needy children with cancer, offering housing, transportation and food, in addition to support for family members and companions.

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    Recognition of various members of our team in specialized publications.

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